This ministry runs on the faithful work of volunteers!!
If you are interested in serving on a local Team or on Camp Staff please fill out the appropriate form below.
All adults working directly with our campers are required to fill out the FCA Ministry Leader Application (MLA).
As a Huddle Leader you will have the joy of investing in a small group of campers by having one-on-one relationships; investing in both the physical and spiritual training throughout camp.
For each camp to be amazing it takes many volunteers with a variety of skills; mechanics, kitchen staff, EMT/nurse, photographers, etc.
Are you interest in learning more about what FCA MX is doing in your area? Do you want to volunteer for an existing local team? Do you want to start a FCA MX local team in your state? Fill out this form and let us know!
Would you be interested in serving at a FCA Motocross camp, but don't know where to start? Fill out this Camp Volunteer Interest form and a ministry leader will connect with you to figure out what role at camp might work for you. We are excited to get to know you!